Friday 10 May 2013

Guilty Pleasures: K-Pop Boyfriend

Guilty Pleasure -
               Something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite the feeling of guilt for enjoying it.


A few days ago my and my guy friend were talking and he suddenly brought out the topic of guilty pleasures. He was saying how someone asked him if he had any and he replied with a "no". 
But really most people have guilty pleasures and knowing him, he had a lot. Anyways he asked me my guilty pleasure but I didn't answer. I mean it's called guilty pleasure for a reason, right??? I am embarrassed by the fact that I like it so I don't normally mention my guilty pleasures.

Anyway, he told me he would tell me his main guilty pleasure because he trusted me enough to know I wouldn't judge him so he told me.

"My main guilty pleasure is watching porn and masturbating to it." He said so casually as if he only asked me what I had for dinner last night. When I heard these words I literally spewed all my Mountain Dew and I think some of it went up my nose and you know if you've experience it that it is absolutely excruciating.

To be perfectly honest I knew he watched porn and masturbated to it. I mean what kind guy didn't. Isn't it like part of their growth or something. Those kinds of things are kind of like 'open secrets', I know what a weird contradiction.

Even though I knew and even though I honestly didn't judge him because of it, I still DIDN'T find it comfortable because a sudden image flashed in my head of him watching porn and masturbating. To be honest I don't care if he does masturbate, I just don't want that kind of image in my head.....seriously. It's weird thinking about your friend in that kind of way especially if your as close to him as you would be when it comes to your girlfriends (friends that are girls, k?).

Anyways that awkward situation made me realize my biggest GUILTY PLEASURE......

K-PoP or more specifically a Korean Boy Band called BOYFRIEND

I know I know. If you truly love something you shouldn't be embarrassed by it, right??? But the thing is as soon as someone bring it up or anything to do with K-Pop .....I kinda start obsessing about it... and me obsessing about anything especially a boy band is a fact that I think everyone who knows me well enough would still find difficult to believe.
 You see I usually like bands like:
Linkin Park 
Simple Plan
My Chemical Romance 
Fall Out Boy 
Good Charlotte 
Frank Ferdinand
Flo Rida
NigaHiga (YTF)
The Lonely Island

But when it comes to K-Pop:
Boyfriend (My ultimate favorite)
Kim Hyun Joong
Teen Top
 See the difference in taste or preference when it comes to music as if my taste depended on the language it was sung in. Weird how the change in language might affect taste and preference. Maybe I should conduct an experiment..... never mind

Anyways this is why I hide my addition. I'm afraid the people around me and my friend will judge me for listening to this things especially when you compare them to the western bands I listen to. Also I am afraid that once they know and accept that fact I won't be able to stop talking about them..... I know some of you will think I'm stupid and idiotic for doing what I am doing but I don't have a choice..
Fortunately I'm not completely alone. My siblings know and share my addiction for K-pop and me and my sisters are really close. We could be best friends and we are. 
My ultimate love is Kwangmin ( the guy over there <<<<<)  and  her ultimate favorite is Youngmin 
(the guy up there ^^^^^^^^).

My little sister's bias is Kwangmin as well but she doesn't like his as much as I do.

Boyfriend is releasing a new album this 29th of May and I really can't wait !!!!!

Also they are releasing a movie called GoGo Ikemen 5 but I'm a little sad because Kwangmin and Youngmin will be fighting over a girl :( 
And if there's one thing I love more that Kwangmin it's the Jo Twins

Sad I know, I can't help but think how unfortunate we fans are sometimes. Sitting infront on a screen with out idols on them never knowing that we're watching them and slowly falling for them. Yet they fall in love with someone else................huh

So I have opened this place so I can share and shout my guilty pleasure anonymously. 

Well that's me for now. I'll put another update later.

Franchezka Aizabelle Von Einzbern

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